Here is one of a number of conference presentations I created about “Blueprint,” our shorthand at The Gilbane Group for A Blueprint for Book Publishing Transformation: Seven Essential Processes to Re-Invent Publishing, the 277-page, 50-some figures and tables, five-appendices study of what book publishers need to think about as they move to start or expand their digital publishing efforts, always from the perspective of the many publishing processes engaged in by the publishers themselves, from acquisition and planning, to selling and fulfillment.
I was lead analyst for this study, with two other Gilbane Group analysts also involved. All told, we interviewed about four-dozen people in the business, and we had nearly 300 qualified respondents to an in-depth, web-based survey instrument. We’ve had a very strong response (and I do mean positive!) to the report. The study was published in October 2010, and you can still download a free copy (after registration), here.
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